Crazy People Beach Party

1st May 2006 - feels like my Birthday celebrations has begun. May always feel like a holiday, though I am bogged down with work. I love my job, and I am having a good time with my friends.
Here we are after a long night of partying at East Coast Parkway. Indians, Colombians, Cuban, Spanish - sharing one common bond - music. Latin and Hindi. Whoever thought the two could mix? In my world they do, and it's a great mix.
The Crazy People had their own soccer match that day, ending up in Manuel getting cut on his nose by the ball which hit his sunglasses - who plays soccer with sunglasses? Who plays soccer with sandals? Me, and I broke my right sandal. Why do I call us Crazy People - need I explain? Raj spread on the sand after a heavy night of drinking and not sleeping.
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