Tribute To Friends

Friends - What makes them special, and what makes them dedicate themselves to your well-being? All these years, I have met so many people - some superficial "party-friends", some just not worth talking about, and some who have become a part of my life. They are my port during a storm, my sunshine on a rainy day, and the silent footsteps that follow as I venture into unchartered territory, ready to catch me should I stumble and fall.
Laetitia I have known since my first day in Belgium, we met at a university concert. Both of us have been through rough waters. Followed by a brief period of doubts...We overcame that. My life here wouldn't have been livable without Laeti. Passionate, strong, highly intelligent, Laeti is the epitome of a successful modern woman. Goes to peaceful demonstrations, can argue like a lawyer, dances like a pro, and has a great sense of humour. Laeti makes me see things from a perspective that I miss sometimes. 3-D. Never afraid to say the truth, no matter if the truth hurts...Lies hurt even more in the long run, she says. True. Don't know what I did to deserve her friendship.
Mauro & Sophie started out as my colleagues in 2004. Tall, voice like thunder, sense of humour to drive you crazy, Mauro breached that line between colleagues and friends, and entered into my world, bringing along with him then-girlfriend and now wife Sophie. Stylish, intelligent, enchanting Sophie. Frank and doesn' mince her words either, Sophie is strong. Fate has dealt some nasty deals for these two, but their strength is unbeatable. Proud to have these two in my inner circle.
Nonka, beautiful and fragile as a porcelain Japanese doll. Inner core of steel. Humble. Met her while learning Dutch in 2002. Who could have predicted that she would be a treasured friend? Nonka lives five minutes away from me, and is the only Asian in my entourage. Currently pregnant, I think she would make a wonderful mother. Always there, whether the rainclouds threaten to burst, or when the sun is in all its glory. Quieter than the other three anchors. Nonka and me share the Asian perspective. Though we live in Belgium and are "cosmopolitan", our roots are still Asian. We often discuss/complain about how our close European counterparts cannot see the logic behind our principles. So instead of watching the movie as we set out to do, we end up staying in a café, gossipping like two old ladies.
I could not have lived a normal life without these individuals during these eight years as a "pardesi". I deeply appreciate their friendship. I hope that they will still remain my friends, even if oceans separate me from them one day.