The Prodigal Daughter Returns

8 years I've been away.
Been through heaven and hell. Wouldn't have given it up for anything in the world. I have finally found myself, and found peace within me. Friends that I will never forget, faces that I will always carry in my heart forever and a day.
When I left I never thought I would return. Strange that I made up my mind to come home within 48 hours of arriving from Singapore in January, and have been working towards that goal since those 48 hours.
DHARMA pushed me to make this decision. Understand DHARMA and my decision will be clear. I do not know if I shall always stay in Singapore, but as long as I am needed, I will stay close to those who needs me.
I want music, joy and laughter, sincere friends and a full life. Those who share the same philosophy are welcome to be part of my life. Those who are against my sense of adventure and joie de vivre please stay away, I do not need any negative people in my entourage. Life is so short, isn't it better to go through it smiling and humming, rather than crying and bitter?
I will probably move again as I cannot seem to stay in one place, but my next goal is to teach in a third world country (in about five years, if all is well). Call it a crazy dream, a silly ambition, but hey, it has always been what I wanted, and it hasn't changed.
Don't forget, you can't hold a moonbeam in your hands, can't tame a cat gone feral and can't change lead into gold, unless you're an Alchemist. So live and let live. Remember that when I'm among you.
Why do I sound pissed off? Well, I can already imagine all the gossip that I've probably caused by now...and all the busybody matchmakers who will try and find me my soulmate. Please don't bother...I am incapable of loving anyone, as I am actually a stone sculpture brought to life for a very brief period. So enjoy me as I am, while I am still among you. Who knows when I will be turned back into stone again? Or when I will dissappear with the wind once more.
The Prodigal Daughter returns for now. I hope to find a lot of love amongst all of you, for each other, for me. I hope there are no bitterness in your lives which will overflow into mine. I may leave and never return should my heart of stone not be able to bear your bitterness (wonder if I'm asking too much?). That's all I'm asking for.