La Petite Vie de Sharm

At work (most of the time). With two of my colleagues during a private cocktail attended by bank officials. Spent 18 hours on my feet to put the cocktail together. By the time I got home, I dropped into my bed (clothes and make-up included) and slept 6 hours like a dead woman.
In the kitchen, cooking, for hours..usually for friends...I love to cook and learn new cuisines. There are so many spices, tastes, smells...Some cultures don't use salt in their cuisine, but flavour is added in the form of spices...(Wow! Live & learn, even in the kitchen). Cooking is a feast for the senses.
Nature - be it in Malaysia, Singapore or Belgium, the best way to spend a day off is sit on a blanket in the woods, with a good book and a thermos of coffee, and NO idiots around to spoil it for me. I'm 100% at peace when I'm in the wild.
Dancing salsa till I get cramps during the weekends at the Latin clubs. Better still if all your friends are great dancers, like mine, I'm proud to say...
Well, if you love to cook, you have to love to clean. I love to clean, and can spend hours just in the cleaning products section of a supermarket (hee hee hee...). I can't relax unless my house is clean. But hey, if I'm bogged down at work, then my home looks like a warzone. Clothes everywhere, socks missing, shoes all over the place...But I only have three hours to sleep! So wait till my next day off and spend it cleaning, with the latest magic-cleaner I found at the store.
There goes my day in the wild...