Llora El Corazon

With the excellent cuisine of Aline and Laetitia. With cheerful African music, and lively Mexican music. With the heart-wrenching songs of Nina Simone and Chet Baker. With champagne and wine. With tears and laughter.
Tears that run down delicate cheeks of beautiful friends with beautiful souls. Warm tears that my own breaking heart forces out of my stone-cold trembling body. Strong arms pressing me close to sincere hearts. I will miss you.
Laughter at the expense of my notorious "grande-guele". Advice to stay zen - be like "un canard mouillé" in frustrating moments. Laughter at my antics with the digital camera, trying to record every moment of my last "party". Laughter - never has anyone been so fond of parties. Laughter bittersweet. Laughter edged with salt.
All present are close to my heart, even those that I do not see often. Sofie said "Tu ne me laisseras pas tomber, Sharm". A dagger through my heart that. Enchanting Sofie, with little magic Luna, how can I ever forget your friendship, and working with you and Mauro? Nat who I have not seen for so long, petite et belle Nathalie, I was glad you were there to say au revoir, along with your charming Stephan. Aline, gracias por tu cariño y presencia de mama, nunca te olvidare. Nonka, seven months along and Lumu kicking your insides, thank you for your understanding and support of my decision. Arigato gozaimasu for your stoicism. Yannick, chef de un petit village Togolais, "Hasta Siempre!". Sexy exotic Yvonne, and smart Alex with his fart box, brought as a special treat for squeezing even more laughter from my heart which was in pieces. Thank you for sharing the picture. Raphael, best advice to give to a "grande-guele", thank you for letting me know Kim, who is not yet at the stage of pregnancy to say"get out of my body already..." And Laetitia, merci pour la fête, pour me faire comprendre la difference entre un torchon, une serviette et une eponge, et surtout de ne pas parler de "lavette" avec un Français. Merci pour ecouter mes conneries, et la tolerance de ma comportement completement egoiste de mes dernieres jours parmi vous. Gracias por tu amistad, y gracias por amar me tal como soy (Que locura muchacha!). Pas rendu compte! I will miss our gossip sessions, "Las Aventuras de Sharm en Belgica".
Those absent, you do not mean any less to me. I cherish all of you, and I still wonder why Fortune placed you in my reach. Why you care, why you were there. Nonka said "It's a small world Sharm, we will keep in touch, and you'll see us soon in Singapore, or we'll see you here once more". Till then, chers amies, I will always remain yours.
Each of you embodies the reasons of how love, need and understanding can make a human being reach for and soar to its full potential. Je vous remercie sincerement, ma petite vie sera vide sans vous.